The Second Sunrise. Coffee and Rwanda trailer
Documentary created for Open Eyes Economy Summit
Nomination: 2. Kraków Green Film Festival (Best Short Documentary)
Dubbed as “the Land of Thousand Hills”, Rwanda boasts pristine wilderness and perfect natural conditions for the coffee growing. Coffee has been present there since the colonial times. Nowadays, "The Black Gold” plays a significant role in Rwandan developing economy and the sector employs more than 400.000 people. However, coffee contribution to the nation is more profound than mere state finances enhancement. Rwanda is still healing wounds after 1994 genocide drama, which left more than 1 million Tutsis killed and the nation torn apart. Can coffee become a reconciliation tool between survivors and perpetrators and help in rebranding Rwanda international image? Film takes viewers for an adventure to this tiny African country and following specialty coffee production stages, we meet people who dedicated their lives to the coffee: farmers, exporters, quality cuppers, roasters and others.
written and directed by: Karol Kowalski
DOP: Krzysztof Trela
sound: Adam Cieplak
edited by: Kasia Leśniak
main consultant: Ivan Shema
produced by: GAP Foundation
executive producer: Tomasz Wojtas
production manager: Kinga Taćkiewicz, Radek Wójcik
music by: Inganzo Ngari
sound postproduction: Soundprove Studio
postproduction manager: Mateusz Mleczko
color grading: Paweł Labe
Copyright ⓒ Gap Foundation